Shipping Protection & Returns

To return unused and unopened products or to cover packages that are lost, stolen, or damaged during shipping, please select the shipping protection option at checkout. This option comes with a small additional fee but provides peace of mind. If your package is lost, stolen, or damaged during shipping, we will send you a replacement.

Please note that if you do not purchase shipping protection at checkout, we cannot be held accountable for the packages once they leave our shipping facility. This includes situations where the package or contents is lost, stolen, or damaged. We highly recommend purchasing insurance for any shipment that contains glass jars (e.g., tallow jars or spray bottles).

Shipping Protection Insurance Cost: 

0-$100: $1.95 per shipment 

$100-$200: $2.95 per shipment 

$200-$300: $3.95 per shipment 

$300-$400:  $4.95 per shipment 

$400+: $5.95 per shipment