Forrest Green Farm

Mulling Spices

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Here is your new fall and winter favorite warming drink! It's a classic blend of spices that's perfect for making mulled wine or cider. The blend includes cinnamon, orange, allspice, cloves, and lemon, which creates a delicious and aromatic flavor. To make the infusion easy and mess-free, a muslin steeping bag is included. Our customers tell us that our blend tastes so much fresher and more vibrant than other blends available in the marketplace.

Taste profile: rich, aromatic, warming, sweet, woodsy, citrusy

Ingredients: cinnamon chips, orange peel, allspice, cloves, lemon peel 

Tea Formula

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp.)

Cinnamon possesses a distinctive flavor profile that exudes a comforting warmth and a delightful sweetness. Additionally, it has been acknowledged to enhance digestion, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and promote circulation.

Orange Peel (Citrus x sinensis)

Orange peel has more enzymes, flavonoids, and phytonutrients than the fruit itself! Plus, it's a digestive bitter, which can help stimulate digestion.

Allspice (Pimenta dioica)

 Allspice has a unique taste. It's a combination of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, which is why it's called "allspice." It has a slightly bitter and earthy flavor with a hint of fruity sweetness. It's perfect for adding depth to savory dishes and herbal formulas.

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)

Cloves are known for their strong aroma, pungent taste, and warming effect. They have been a popular spice in cooking for centuries, competing with other well-known spices like cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Not only used in cooking, cloves have also been added to liqueurs, mulled wine, perfumes, and even love potions. For thousands of years, cloves have been an important herb in the spice trade.

Lemon Peel (Citrus x limon)

We add lemon peel to herbal teas for its delightful aroma and flavor. The peel provides a unique and lively citrus taste that enhances the overall experience. Moreover, it can help with digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juices and supplying a good amount of vitamin C.

More Info

Mulled Cider: 

3-4 tbsp. of Mulling Spice Blend in muslin bag

1 quart of apple cider 

Gently simmer for 30 minutes, remove spice bag and serve hot or cold.

Mulled Wine:

1 quart red wine

1/2 cup sugar

2-3 tbsp. of Mulling Spice Blend in muslin bag

Gently simmer for 30 minutes.  Remove spice bag and serve hot or chill and serve over ice.

Mulled Tea:

3 cups water

1 cup orange juice

2 tbsp. Mulling Spice Blend in muslin bag

Simmer for 20 minutes and remove spice bag. Serve hot or cold.