Forrest Green Farm

Blood Building Syrup Kit

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A great iron and vitamin rich formula that includes yellow dock, nettle, and sumac as well as digestive supporting herbs like fennel and ginger. This syrup can be taken daily and has been known to improve energy and iron levels significantly. This natural source of iron is easier on the digestive system than standard iron pill supplements which cause many people terrible stomach aches. For those struggling with low iron or low energy, this product comes highly recommended.

Ingredients: yellow dock root, sumac berries, nettle leaf, fennel seed, ginger root


Tea Formula

Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus)

Yellow Dock is beneficial for blood building and anemia sufferers, as it helps the body absorb iron and aids in the digestion of fats and absorption of nutrients.

Sumac (Rhus glabra)

Sumac is a plant that is abundant in vitamin C, flavonoids, and iron, making it an excellent source of nutrients. When combined with elderberry, it produces a powerful antiviral remedy that can help boost your immune system and protect you from illnesses.

Nettle (Urtica dioica)

This is a beneficial herb that is rich in vitamins and can aid in various health issues. It can help with seasonal allergies, regulate blood sugar levels, boost the immune system, alleviate joint pain and arthritis, balance hormones, improve adrenal function, and address kidney and spleen deficiencies.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

This is a great digestive aid that can also help with colic and gas.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger energizes the heart and gets the blood moving, relieves cramping, is a digestive aid, helps relieve migraines, and aids in reducing inflammation.

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Place the dried herbs in a heat-proof jar or pan (1/2 gallon). Pour 8 cups boiling water over the herbs. Cover and let infuse for 12 hours. Strain the mixture. Next, add 4 ounces of blackstrap molasses for every cup of infusion. Stir well. Once it is cool, then you can add some brandy if you want as a preservative.  Store in the refrigerator. 

Dosage: 1-3 tbsp. a day.